Catalina Quinteros
Catalina has focused her practice on environmental and administrative law, mainly on assessment investment projects in the Environmental Impact Assessment System. In this line she has developed experience in technical analysis of reports on flora, fauna, territorial compatibility and climate change, advising from the beginning of the environmental assessment procedure until obtaining the Environmental Permit, as well as in the recursive stages, both administrative and judicial.
In this line, she has experience in litigation before the Environmental Courts, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court, as well as in the defense against protection appeals within the environmental assessment process.
Along with the above, she has developed experience in inspection processes, formulation of charges and penalties before the Superintendence of the Environment and before various Regional Ministerial Health Secretariats.
Otherwise, she has focused his practice and specialization on the elaboration of legal reports related to Land Use Planning and Strategic Environmental Assessment.
She previously worked as a lawyer at the Environmental Assessment Office of the Ministry of Environment; as an advisor to the Viceminister for Environment; as a lawyer at the Metropolitan Regional Directorate of the Environmental Assessment Service, and as an associate consultant at Targeting Consultores Ltda.
Catalina is a member of Chilean Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados de Chile).
- Lawyer, School of Law, Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile (2016).
- Diploma in Oral Litigation, specializing in Criminal Procedure Law. Universidad Finis
Terrae, Santiago, Chile (2018).
- Master in Natural Resources and Environment Law, Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago,
Chile (2021).
- Spanish
- English